If you’ve just gotten a new pair of eyeglass frames or new or contact lenses along with a new prescription from our optometrist at Cross River Eye Care, congratulations! This means you’ll be seeing the world much more clearly. Along with that new clarity, however, sometimes means you’ll also have a period of adjustment as your brain begins processing those sharper images your new lenses are producing.
Although this adjustment period is usually fairly brief, just a few days, it’s not uncommon to experience some temporary inconveniences that may include eye strain, headaches, dizziness or blurry vision. These are normal reactions and should not cause you any worry.
We’ve got a few tips for our patients to make the adjustment period a bit easier:
If you're still experiencing issues with your new lenses after a few weeks, don’t hesitate to schedule a follow-up appointment with our optometrist at Cross River Eye Care. Perhaps a slight adjustment is needed to your prescription or the positioning of the lenses in the frame. Our staff is “all in” on helping you see the world more clearly and comfortably.
At our dedicated optometry practice, we recognize the trust our patients place in us, and it is our mission to meet and exceed those expectations. You are invited to come to the practice and receive the quality attention that you deserve. We will take the time to care for you and your optical health.